In September of 2021, as tribute to the flight attendants and crew members killed in the September 11th attacks, former flight attendant Paul “Paulie” Veneto pushed an Airline Beverage Cart from Boston Logan Airport to Ground Zero, NYC. He arrived on September 11th, 2021, the 20th Anniversary of the attacks, and the sixth year anniversary of his sobriety.
To make his dream a reality, Paulie needed the sponsorship of a 501(c)3, and Power Forward was so glad to be able to provide it. A walking inspiration machine, Paulie is living proof of the power of recovery and what one can achieve while living a sober life. Now, thanks to the success of Paulie’s Push 2021, Paulie has been able to create his own 501(c)3 to continue his mission, and we could not be more proud. To learn more about what’s next for Paulie, visit: